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Betting Scandals Have Not Yet Affected London 2012 Olympics

The London 2012 Olympics have been running for a week, and the International Olympics Committee is pleased to announced that no betting scandals have occurred in this time. This is a great start for the Olympics, and we hope to see this trend continue for the rest of the games.

The IOC spent months working on a monitoring system that would prevent illegal betting from taking place. Gambling operators from across the UK have agreed to report any suspicious activity and, so far, there has not been any. Potential match-fixers are likely operating with caution this time around, as the IOC has stressed its strict punishments for those that are caught.

So far, the only betting scandal to hit the Olympics involves Irish sailing athlete Peter O’Leary. However, he was not implicated in a scandal during the games, as he has been accused to placing a wager on a competitor to win in a previous competition.

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O’Leary’s situation will likely serve as an example for any other competitors. Even though his alleged illegal activities did not take place during the Olympics, he still faces suspension. Other Olympians could face a worse fate.